Thursday, 24 December 2009

Hopenhagen from the grass roots up

Many politicians and commentators have come back deflated and despondent from the weak agreements of last Friday/Saturday at the 'Top' summit. But too little publicity so far has been given to the 'middle' (Klimaforum) and 'bottom' (at Christiana) summits held over the same period involving many more thousands of people from all nations and at which people truly had an equal voice and where those voices were both heard and shared.

The hope for the next year before Mexico if forged links are followed up and through and work is done conscientiously is absolutely massive for all three levels of the work and the cross-fertilisation between them. Over the next few weeks I'll fill in some more of the details and links and encourage you to be part of the work in whichever ways you wish to be but for now go to sleep on Christmas Eve believing that potentially something incredible is on its way and every single person who cares about their world and their 'neighbour' is part of it over the next year.

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